I had a dream;
To create a brand
exclusively for women.
Warrior women who
constantly seek to get better
My name is Alexandra González and I’m the
cofounder of Kocool.
I have many facets, just like lots of women
passionate about training.
I am a mother and I work in business
consulting. Another facet of my life is my
passion for boxing.
I decided to create a brand for other women
like me. Women for whom sports
and training play an important role in
their lives. It’s more than a hobby; it’s an
integral part of our lives.
A brand to inspire women to reach their
full potential in sports.
Alexandra González
Kocool Co-founder.

A spirit, a movement
A brand for heroic women
We came up with Kocool because we wanted to create a different brand.
A brand exclusively for women.
Inspired by the courage and strength of heroic women who like to train.
We train like you.

High quality sportswear
That fits like a glove
Our obsession and our goal is to create the most comfortable sportswear for you.
To create products that are not only comfortable but have avant-garde design.
All of Kocool’s sportswear is designed using our unique 3X technology.
This is based on three technologies that come together to guarantee you get the most comfortable clothes for training.
Sportswear created to be ultra comfortable for you.

Our 1% sales philosophy
We believe in a world of brands that can make their contribution too.
We are a brand with a conscience.
We donate 1% of our sales to the charity Sport Without Barriers.